Progression flying Guiding
Progression flying Guiding
Progression flying Guiding
Progression flying Guiding
Progression flying Guiding
Progression flying Guiding
Progression flying Guiding

Progression flying Guiding

Regular priceR 9,500.00

Designed for basic licensed pilots with limited flying experience, this product is ideal for those seeking to advance their aviation skills or:

  • do not yet feel competent or comfortable flying on their own
  • flying their own equipment for the first time
  • want to improve their flying skills
  • speed up their progression curve. 
  • Want to progress to basic thermal flights

These sessions revolve around thermal flying, active airmanship, navigating with aids, and improved launch techniques in windy conditions.

Duration: Select preferred training dates here - to be confirmed with your instructor.


  • Theory briefings during practical training
  • Maximum airtime that we can safely utilise
  • Instructional tandem flight if needed
  • Multimedia Footage if available
  • Paraglide Africa drawstring bag and stickers
  • Ground school session for improvement
  • Dedicated retrieve vehicle and driver

Possible Practical Objectives

  • Progression in thermalling skills using an instrument
  • Topping out in a thermal
  • Demonstrating good glider control at 20km + wind speed
  • Demonstrate mushroom/cobra launch
  • Demonstrate top landing
  • Demonstrate active flying techniques

Possible Theory discussions

  • Thermal theory and techniques
  • Active flying techniques
  • Flying with Instruments
  • Weather prediction

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